

Makaron (wstążki) z szafranem i karczochami - Tagliatelle pasta with saffron and artichokes - Tagliatelle allo zafferano e carciofi

#SmakołykiAngeli  #leprelibatezzediangela  #angelasdelicacies
Polski/English/Italiano Składniki/Ingredients/Ingredienti:
(na 2 osoby/serves 2/ per 3 persone)
150 g makaronu wstążki/ 5.2 oz pasta (tagliatelle)/ 150 g di tagliatelle secche all'uovo
2-3 karczochy/ 2-3 artichokes/ 2-3 cuori di carciofo
1 mała cebula/ 1 small onion/ 1 cipolla piccola
szczypta szafranu/ 1 pinch of saffron/ 1 bustina di zafferano
1/2 szklanki białego wina/ 1/2 cup white wine/ 1/2 di bicchiere di vino bianco
100-200 g rosołu/ 3.5-7 oz broth/ 100-200 g di brodo vegetale
pietruszka/ parsley/ prezzemolo
olej z oliwek do smaku/ olive oil to taste/ olio d'oliva a piacere
sól i pieprz do smaku/ salt and pepper to taste/ sale e pepe a piacere

Wykonanie: Karczochy umyć, oczyścić z twardych części, zewnętrznych liści, wydrążyć środki i pokroić. Na maśle podsmażyć cebulkę, dodać karczochy i zalać winem i podlewać stopniowo rosołem, ew. wodą, aż karczochy zmiękną. Doprawić solą i pieprzem do smaku.

Pod koniec gotowania, wlać szafran rozpuszczony w rosole lub wodzie. Ugotować makaron i wymieszać z sosem karczochowym, okrasić zieloną pietruszką, ewentualnie parmezanem.

Method: Strip away the tough outer leaves of the artichokes and slice their inner leaves and stems.

Heat the butter in a deep skillet, add the chopped onions and fry the until they are translucent, then add the artichokes, the wine and gently saute the mixture until the artichokes have become very soft. You can pour some broth when the liquids evaporate. When the artichokes are about half cooked salt and pepper the mixture to taste.

When the pasta water comes to a boil, salt it and cook the pasta. When the pasta is 2-3 minutes shy of being done, mix the saffron into a half-cup hot broth or water and stir the mixture into the sauce.

Drain the pasta and turn it out into the skillet, stir the pasta to mix it well with the sauce, and serve it with chopped parsley and/or Parmesan cheese.

Come si fa: Sciacquate i carciofi, asciugateli e riduceteli a fettine. Sbucciate la cipolla, tritatela fine e fatela passare in un po' di burro (15 grammi circa). Versate il vino ed unite i carciofi e fateli soffriggere leggermente.

Dopo 3-4 minuti aggiungete 1 bustina di zafferano diluita in 1 mestolo di brodo caldo. Salate, pepate  e cuocete i carciofi fino a quando saranno teneri, versate un po' di brodo se il liquido evaporerà. Cuocere la pasta e quando diventerà pronta, mescolate il tutto e servite con il prezzemolo o parmigiano grattugiato.

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